Wednesday, 27 December 2006

Christmas Eve 2006

Sunday 24th December - Christmas Eve

On the way back from the ward late last night, we discovered that our car, which was parked on Queen's Square near the hospital, had been broken in to. The near side back window was smashed and Matt's crash helmet had been stolen from the boot - where it was well hidden. We report it at the Police Station and get the Autoglass visit sorted. Strangely, this is just a minor annoyance really and neither of us can be bothered to get upset about it - clearly we have more important things to worry about at the moment!

Grace had another stable night and was fairly stable and settled all day today. Her lung volumes (they call these tidal volumes) have improved even more (sometimes reaching the 60s) and another Consultant tells us that her X-ray is even more improved and that they are happy with her progress. Again we are relieved but remain cautiously optimistic. We went to Midnight Mass and prayed very hard for Grace and all the other children at GOSH! I am not even religious if I'm honest but it doesn't seem to matter. Matt and I have been visiting the Chapel at GOSH quite regularly over the last few days - it seems to help somehow. After the Mass, we read a story and kissed Grace goodnight - telling her that Father Christmas was on his way.

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